New Level Healing takes Western Medicine knowledge and combines it with Eastern Medicine Intuitive Healing to give you the best possible chance at reaching your health goals.
We draw on a variety of methods that offer you:
Pain and Trauma Recovery – Injury, Emotion, Spirit,
Integrative Healing – Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual
Aging gracefully and living with Empowerment – Body, Mind, Soul
Together we will use your body’s innate physical knowledge and energetic awarenesses to map a perfect plan to holistic wholeness for your entire being. Options may include working with the horses, lab testing, telemedicine, health care advocacy, medical acupuncture, ecotherapy, energetic work such as Reiki or chakra balancing, and of course equine gestalt.
Your guide for this experience — as well as its integration with Integrative Holistic Medicine — is Dr. Heather Wilkinson.
Integrative Medicine
Gestalt Therapy
Meet Dr. Heather Wilkinson
Dr. Heather Wilkinson is a physician Board Certified in Medical Acupuncture and Holistic medicine, as well as being both Board Certified and a Fellow in Emergency Medicine and Integrative Medicine. She is also a gestaltist personally trained by Melisa Pearce in both the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method and the Gestalt Coaching Method. She lives in the beautiful Catskill mountain range in New York with her dog, Gaia, and her horse named Abhainn who is also a skilled healer in his own right. Her practice is currently located on 30 acres and is in the process of being transformed into a sacred healing center.

I come from a place of authenticity — from a place of love and from a place of truly wanting to help and advocate for people. This gives me the ability to offer great healing. When medical professionals are spiritually healthy, we are able to be truly present with our patients in authenticity. I approach my patients from a place of true caring and through this heart-centered approach, true healing occurs.
— Dr. Heather

Gestalt is the practice of moving toward wholeness — of taking the parts of us that have been fractured by circumstance and allowing us to integrate the lessons and awarenesses into our being so we can move forward whole and complete.
Integrative Medicine is the what doctors used to be — involved, open, willing to be in partnership with their patients. It understands you are more than any DISease you may be experiencing in the moment, you are a whole human with many facets and all of those facets should be considered in any treatment.
Gestalt and Integrative Medicine Assists Medical Professionals in Healing Physically and Spiritually
“Soldiers Heart” has been documented for centuries for those who come home from war with (for example) depression, personality changes, physical and emotional pain — this is what we are now calling “spiritual injury” and PTSI (post traumatic spiritual injury). The terminology of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) is now finally being phased out.
I recognized over a decade ago that the terminology of PTSD was problematic and leads to LIMITING BELIEFS about self and healing. I am so excited that others are also understanding the importance of terminology in how maladies are treated and viewed by healthcare professionals and can lead to limiting beliefs that can hinder healing and health by those who have the diagnosis.
I often explain to people that “PTSD” is really people experiencing emotional and spiritual reactions to overwhelming or bad experiences and NOT a disorder. The word disorder implies that there is something wrong with the person and that a disorder can not be healed where as PTSI allows us to treat each other with compassion and begin the healing process.
What do horses, nature and healing have in common?
In our ever quickening world — especially the fast-paced modern world of a healer — we often lose touch with the present. The moments that make our lives whole and complete are often caught up in the panic of what needs to be done next or in the worry about the past … nature and horses remind us to “just be present now” and bring us back to that moment that counts; allow us to wrap our arms around what matters and face the tide of what will come next with confidence and courage.