Bring Your Life Into Healthy Harmony Workshop
10 Week Physician Led Integrative Gestalt Experience Workshop
Begins January 28 at 6:30 pm | Lowland Farms, John’s Island, SC
This workshop is for you if you want to:
Reduce Body Pain
Sleep Well
Eat with Mindfulness
Decrease Anxiety and Stress
We will meet 8 times in 10 weeks (no group on March 17). You do not need to attend all the sessions, although it is recommended. This group will be limited to 8-10 individuals to allow for customized attention.
$115 per session or $650 for all eight sessions in advance.
Claim your spot now by paying securely through Paypal!
Step up into your life with purpose and presence. This workshop will help you close out the things that have been holding you back and set you on the clear path to reaching your goals with your health and happiness.
As a physician, I have seen time and time again how a person’s symptoms long predated the diagnosis of illness or disease. I have also seen the positive impact exploring the deeper, “hidden,” causes of their physical and emotional selves can have on a patient. If you have been diagnosed or feel aligned with the markers for:
CPS Chronic Pain Syndrome
IBD Irritable Bowel Disease
Anxiety or Depression
React and not Respond to Life Events (think road rage)
and more
Then you may have an underlying trauma that is causing or exacerbating your condition. YES! Your memories can hijack your body! I know this personally and my own story is why I chose to pursue integrative medicine and Gestalt.
As an integrative physician I consider the whole person including mind and spirit. I tap into my vast integrative medical knowledge to help you uncover all the connections — body, mind and soul — that are impacting your pain, loss of sleep, irrational cravings, anxiety and stress.
This approach allows you to move beyond just “talking” and traditional medical therapies into true, holistic healing.
I have designed this as a group workshop because I believe our shared experience can benefit us in more profound ways than if we sought this path individually. I will, however, be available to meet with group members privately for in-depth Gestalt support, acupuncture, or medical sessions. Talk to me to learn about customized package discounts that include the additional services!